Geolives Belgium S.P.R.L. التطبيقات

SityTrail France - hiking GPS
Geolives Belgium S.P.R.L.
SityTrail is a GPS for all of your outdooractivities anywhere in France.Here are its main functions:★ IGN FRANCE TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS IN YOUR POCKETAll the topographic maps you need to discover France, Corsica andOverseas departments and territories on foot, cycling, horseriding, or by car, motorbike or quad.Subscription charge: The application can be accessed forfree for a week’s trial. You may then take out a subscription for€24.99 per year, all-inclusive.Tourism and discoveryDiscover the new 1:25 000 IGN map ideal to (re)discover an area onfoot, bicycle, horseback or car. The series includes coverage ofmainland France, Corsica and Overseas departments and territoriesrepresenting all relevant information for outdoor activities:roads, trails, streams, tourist sites, shelters, rest houses,buildings, religious buildings, ...The Grandes RandonnéesThe GR ®, maintained by the French Federation of Ramblers, are alsodisplayed: 60,000 km of hiking trails! Also shown on the maps arethe PR ® (petites randonnées) shorter walks for a day.★ MAPS AND YOUR WALKS AVAILABLE IN OFFLINE MODEThe download tool lets you get the most out of your maps and routeson the ground without any internet connection.There is an alarm when you stray from the route being followed. Nomore need to continuously check your smartphone, this alarm systemwill stop you getting lost or having to turn back onyourself.Automatic activation of points of interest and text to speechsynthesis.An elevation profile that enables the visualisation of inclines andof any difficulties along the route.★ RECORD YOUR ROUTES WITH PHOTOSRecord your walks in real time on the ground, and create points ofinterest with your own photos and commentary.Display showing distance covered, time taken, average speed, GPSaltitude, inclines (+/-), and many other useful indicators forwalkers and mountain bikers.Estimate of distance and time remaining based on your averagespeed.Elevation profile for the current recording.★ CREATE AND SHARE YOUR WALKSWith our online editor, create your own walking projects using aninternet navigator on your PC/MAC and then accessing them directlyfrom your mobile to experience them on the ground.Go further. Transform your favourite walks into real multimediaguides with text, photos, video links, and share them with theSityTrail community.Access too to thousands of walking circuits from other members andlet yourself be guided!★ TOURIST ATTRACTIONS AND WEATHER SERVICEGet plenty of localised tourist information: articlesWikipédia, accommodation, restaurants, and various servicessuch as chemists and banks.Save your favourite places so you can consult them during yourtrip.Check on the five-day weather forecast for any location on the mapto help you organise your stay.★ ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONSEasily create points of interest, such as the location of your car,your hotel, or a restaurant.In the event of any problems, the SOS function enables you to sendyour GPS coordinates to your contacts.Geocachers can use the compass to find their way to ageocache.★ ANDROID WEAR SMARTWATCH- Route and GPS position visualisation.- Indication of distance covered and remaining.- Arrow display indicating the direction to be taken.- Alarm when you stray from the route.We wish you lots of fun with SityTrail France.Application Manual: any questions or suggestions: - -Some functions need an internet connection.The prolonged use of GPS can reduce battery levels.
SityTrail Switzerland - hiking
Geolives Belgium S.P.R.L.
SityTrail is a GPS for all of your outdooractivities anywhere in Switzerland.Here are its main functions:★ SWISSTOPO TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS IN YOUR POCKETAll the swisstopo topographic maps you need to discover Switzerlandon foot, cycling, horse riding, or by car, motorbike or quad.Subscription charge: The application can be accessed forfree for a week’s trial. You may then take out a subscription for55 CHF per year or 20 CHF per month, all-inclusive.★ MAPS AND YOUR WALKS AVAILABLE IN OFFLINE MODEThe download tool lets you get the most out of your maps and routeson the ground without any internet connection. *There is an alarm when you stray from the route being followed. Nomore need to continuously check your smartphone, this alarm systemwill stop you getting lost or having to turn back onyourself.Automatic activation of points of interest and text to speechsynthesis.An elevation profile that enables the visualisation of inclines andof any difficulties along the route.★ RECORD YOUR ROUTES WITH PHOTOSRecord your walks in real time on the ground, and create points ofinterest with your own photos and commentary.Display showing distance covered, time taken, average speed, GPSaltitude, inclines (+/-), and many other useful indicators forwalkers and mountain bikers.Estimate of distance and time remaining based on your averagespeed.Elevation profile for the current recording.★ CREATE AND SHARE YOUR WALKSWith our online editor, create your own walking projects using aninternet navigator on your PC/MAC and then accessing them directlyfrom your mobile to experience them on the ground.Go further. Transform your favourite walks into real multimediaguides with text, photos, video links, and share them with theSityTrail community.Access too to thousands of walking circuits from other members andlet yourself be guided!★ TOURIST ATTRACTIONS AND WEATHER SERVICEGet plenty of localised tourist information: articlesWikipédia, accommodation, restaurants, and various servicessuch as chemists and banks.Save your favourite places so you can consult them during yourtrip.Check on the five-day weather forecast for any location on the mapto help you organise your stay.★ ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONSEasily create points of interest, such as the location of your car,your hotel, or a restaurant.In the event of any problems, the SOS function enables you to sendyour GPS coordinates to your contacts.Geocachers can use the compass to find their way to ageocache.★ ANDROID WEAR SMARTWATCH- Route and GPS position visualisation.- Indication of distance covered and remaining.- Arrow display indicating the direction to be taken.- Alarm when you stray from the route.We wish you lots of fun with SityTrail Switzerland.Application Manual: any questions or suggestions: - -Some functions need an internet connection.The prolonged use of GPS can reduce battery levels.* Download limit for maps stored simultaneously on your device foroffline use: 5000 km² for the one-year subscription (for example,the area of the Canton of Valais) or 2000 km² for the one-monthsubscription.Maps may not be downloaded for offline use during the one-weektrial period.
SityTrail Belgium hiking GPS
Geolives Belgium S.P.R.L.
SityTrail is a GPS for all of your outdooractivities anywhere in Belgium.Here are its main functions:★ BELGIUM TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS IN YOUR POCKETAll the topographic maps you need to discover Belgium on foot,cycling, horse riding, or by car, motorbike or quad.Cycling network "node points" and GR paths are also available inoffline mode.Subscription charge: The application can be accessed forfree for a week’s trial. You may then take out a subscription for€14.99 per year, all-inclusive.★ MAPS AND YOUR WALKS AVAILABLE IN OFFLINE MODEThe download tool lets you get the most out of your maps and routeson the ground without any internet connection.There is an alarm when you stray from the route being followed. Nomore need to continuously check your smartphone, this alarm systemwill stop you getting lost or having to turn back onyourself.Automatic activation of points of interest and text to speechsynthesis.An elevation profile that enables the visualisation of inclines andof any difficulties along the route.★ RECORD YOUR ROUTES WITH PHOTOSRecord your walks in real time on the ground, and create points ofinterest with your own photos and commentary.Display showing distance covered, time taken, average speed, GPSaltitude, inclines (+/-), and many other useful indicators forwalkers and mountain bikers.Estimate of distance and time remaining based on your averagespeed.Elevation profile for the current recording.★ CREATE AND SHARE YOUR WALKSWith our online editor, create your own walking projects using aninternet navigator on your PC/MAC and then accessing them directlyfrom your mobile to experience them on the ground.Go further. Transform your favourite walks into real multimediaguides with text, photos, video links, and share them with theSityTrail community.Access too to thousands of walking circuits from other members andlet yourself be guided!★ TOURIST ATTRACTIONS AND WEATHER SERVICEGet plenty of localised tourist information: articlesWikipédia, accommodation, restaurants, and various servicessuch as chemists and banks.Save your favourite places so you can consult them during yourtrip.Check on the five-day weather forecast for any location on the mapto help you organise your stay.★ ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONSEasily create points of interest, such as the location of your car,your hotel, or a restaurant.In the event of any problems, the SOS function enables you to sendyour GPS coordinates to your contacts.Geocachers can use the compass to find their way to ageocache.★ ANDROID WEAR SMARTWATCH- Route and GPS position visualisation.- Indication of distance covered and remaining.- Arrow display indicating the direction to be taken.- Alarm when you stray from the route.We wish you lots of fun with SityTrail Belgium.Application Manual: any questions or suggestions: - -Some functions need an internet connection.The prolonged use of GPS can reduce battery levels.
Geolives Belgium S.P.R.L.
Just as much as you will need smart, connected devices, you willneed smart and connected maps, to better manage the lifecycle ofyour assets. Today maps are timidly used as a geolocation display.Tomorrow you will use them as both a cockpit and control tower ofyour day-to-day operations. While we believe large enterprisesoftware solutions are necessary data gate-keepers, our mission isto complete your IT arsenal with a better interface that empowersoperational and decision-making users. Our vision involves a futurewhere your operational asset big data requires smart, connectedapplications to enable greater business value and reducedexploitation costs. Oxygis is : - Your go-to application for smartasset management - Your trusted advisor for integrated IOT-Big Dataprojects related to connected asset maintenance and smartpredictive maintenance projects Our technology partners include:LPWAN network services providers, industrial sensor suppliers,predictive analytics solutions, plant logistics optimization andimmersive 3D modelling solutions. Oxygis enables the swiftintegration of one or more of these solutions into the righttechnology architecture, the right business model, for yourbusiness needs. Our expertise lies in 10+ years of providing geomanagement solutions to fixed and critical asset owners,installation & maintenance subcontractors. Powered by Sityzen.
SityZen 1.9.4
Geolives Belgium S.P.R.L.
SITYZEN... THE READY-2-GO MAP SOLUTION ! SityZen is a globalsolution designed to capture your data in the field and manage itreal-time in a powerful and user-friendly WebGIS application.SityZen has been designed for local authorities for use in variousdepartments. All based on the Cloud Computing technology. SityZenis available from any Internet browser and has also an Android andiOS application. MULTI-USERS SOLUTION Wherever they are differentactors of a subject have the last information encoded in thesolution. WHAT DATA ? SityZen is mainly adapted for geo-referenceddata encoding as for example : - road signs - addresses - buildings- etc. FEATURES - Login to a SityZen Server - Create and managepoints, lignes, polygons - Include and manage photos, videos andsounds for a point, line, polygon - Each point, line, polygon has adetailed descriptive sheet which can be adapted for each needs -Open Street Maps by default. Many other map types (IGN/PLI/etc.)are available when connected to a SityZen server (*) - SearchLocation - Many "layers" availables : "Trash", "Work" for example(*) - Capability to download maps for an offline use and spare yourData ! - The connection to a SityZen server is mandatory to use allfeatures of the application - Optimized for smartphones and tablets(*) These features are depending on the server you are connected.CLOUD-COMPUTING SOLUTION Interested by a SityZen server ? Get moreinformation on
beCarto 14-18 1.0.5
Geolives Belgium S.P.R.L.
BeCarto14-18 is an app developed by the Belgian National GeographicInstitute (NGI) and the private company Geolives for thecommemoration of WW1. This App allows you to access spatial andhistorical information about the 1st World War in Belgium. Thespatial background of the app is, the NGI’s viewingservice equipped with a zooming tool that makes it possible to viewon screen the whole of Belgium or a very detailed picture of asmall area. We put above this topographic base the information fromthe map “14-18 The Great War from Liège to the Yser and the Somme”for the whole Belgian territory. You can locate museums, militarycemeteries, forts and trenches... that you still may visit today,but also have an overview of the large troops moves andconcentrations between 1914 and 1918. And that is where thehistorical information comes in. The app gives you access to twotimelines. The first one runs from 1914 till 1919 and gives youinformation about what happened on the Belgian territory duringthat time. The second one goes from 2014 to 2019 and gives youinformation about all events organized during that time as part ofthe commemoration. You also find a series of links to interestingwebsites, pictures and movies. Last but not least, beCarto14-18provides you with a lot of practical information such as museumopening times and addresses, place and time of events, etc. TheNational Geographic Institute of Belgium cooperated at the creationof this app with the Department of Defense and variousinstitutions, each of them possessing plenty of information aboutthe 1st World War according to their specific activity. Otherdatabases are expected to be made available via the app, like theone of the Institute for the Veterans, which will allow you tosearch information (like the day of death or the place where theywere buried) about the Belgian soldiers that were killed during the1st World War.
SityFit - free pedometer app 1.0.30
Geolives Belgium S.P.R.L.
SityFit is a free pedometer application which records the numberofsteps that you take every day. It works when your smartphone isinyour hand, your pocket or even in your backpack. The applicationiseasy to use, intuitive, and does not require an onlineaccount.Step values are displayed in tabs: today and yesterday, thelasttwo weeks and by month. Your results are displayed withbeautifulcharts and a monthly report in the form of acalendar.Notifications with motivating animations will help you tolive ahealthier life. SityFit will help you to keep fit and behealthier.Enjoy moving with SityFit! ------------------- To keepfit andhealthy, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends10,000steps to be taken a day. But that is not so easy! An averagepersontakes between 4,000 and 6,000 steps a day and a sedentarypersontakes fewer than 3,000 steps. At first a reasonable goalwould beto increase the number of steps taken by 500 every week. Asecondgoal would be for you to try to reach 6000 steps a day onaveragefor a week, and then for a month. For your information, a30-minutewalk of moderate intensity represents around 3000 to 4000steps.Walking is therefore a very efficient physical activity forkeepingfit throughout the year. Don’t hesitate to discover ourSityTrailapplications, which give access to a catalogue withseveralthousands of trails. To practise a physical activity daily,hereare some simple ideas:   • Take a break at the officeandstand up • Take the stairs • Get off the bus one stop earlier•Park a little further away • Take short walks • Play withyourchildren • Walk the dog • Do some gardening or jobs aroundthehouse • Do the housework listening to music and imitatingMrsDoubtfire For a more accurate step count you can invest inafitness band (€25 - €30).
SityTrail World hiking GPS
Geolives Belgium S.P.R.L.
Hiking GPS for all your outdoor activities in the world !